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Branson Missouri is one of the premier family vacation spots in the country. It is known today as the "live music capital of the world" but it has a rich history dating back to its first days in the 1800's. Starting with a small store at a riverboat stop, the city now boasts over 40 theaters with 60,000 theater seats, over 70 live theater shows, over 200 lodging facilities with over 23,000 lodging rooms, 5,000 camping spaces, over 350 restaurants, three lakes, 9 golf courses, over 200 retail outlets, numerous attractions, caves to explore and year round activities and entertainment.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bobwhite Quail

Missouri once had so many bobwhite quail that people trapped them for sale to East Coast markets. In fact, settlers in the mid-1800s recorded daily catches numbering in the hundreds—an astonishing number by today’s standards!

Quail were even abundant in the heavily wooded Ozarks. That’s because fires, natural or started by people, maintained open woodland communities. Grasses, wildflowers and legumes flourished in these woodlands, providing food for quail, as well as excellent cover for nesting and shelter.

Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, a naturalist who traveled extensively through the Missouri and Arkansas Ozarks in the early 1800s, described these woodlands:

“A succession of hills of moderate elevation, covered chiefly by oaks without underbrush. A tall, thick and rank growth of wild grass covers the whole country, in which the oaks are standing interspersed, like fruit trees in some well-cultivated orchard, and giving to the scenery the most novel, pleasing and picturesque appearance.”

This general picture of the Ozarks is echoed in historical Government Land Office survey notes and in the writings of hundreds of early travelers to the area. These travelers also reported large numbers of quail. For example, Aldo Leopold, the widely professed “father” of wildlife management, describes days of quail hunting and evenings of quail dinners in journal entries from his time in Current River country in 1926.

By the end of the 20th century, however, quail numbers in Missouri and throughout the bird’s natural range were showing a long-term decline.

The drop can be traced to the loss of critical grassland and woodland natural communities. The numbers of many species of songbirds, woodpeckers, reptiles, amphibians, plants and insects that depend on these types of habitat also have declined. In fact, one of these species, the red-cockaded woodpecker, has disappeared from Missouri, and many others, including Bachman’s sparrow, are now endangered.

Open woodlands provide exceptional habitat for quail. The tree canopy in woodlands reduces snow and ice accumulations and blocks the cold wind. Beneath the tree canopy, the grasses and forbs provide the nutritious and diverse food sources and the protective cover critical to bobwhite quail.

Conservation Department biologists know that the only way to increase quail numbers in Missouri’s Ozarks and improve the lot of the many species that need habitat similar to quail is to restore woodland natural communities.

It’s easier to say you’re going to restore habitat than to do it, especially when the habitat required normally takes hundreds of years to develop naturally. However, accelerated woodland restoration programs are well underway on several conservation areas in the Ozarks.

Two of the areas, White River Trace Conservation Area in Dent County and Cover Prairie Conservation Area in Howell County, are already showing the benefits of extensive woodland and shrubland management.

At White River Trace, for example, at least 114 bird species, many of which have habitat requirements similar to quail, have been spotted. These species include Bell’s vireo, loggerhead shrikes, prairie warblers and field sparrows. In addition, red-headed woodpeckers have substantially increased in number.

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Missouri's Wildlife

White-tail deer are a common sight in Missouri today.
Other species have not fared as well.

Historically, Missouri was home to a great diversity of ecosystems that contained a vast array of wildlife. These ranged from the prairies and savannas of northern Missouri, the wetlands and bottomland forests found along the state's rivers and in the bootheel, to the oak and pine forests of the Ozarks. Two hundred years ago one would have found abundant mountain lions, black bears, elk, gray wolves, red wolves, prairie chickens and other wildlife species that today are greatly reduced in number or completely gone from the state. Despite great success in restoring white-tail deer, turkeys and river otters, many species remain absent from our state's landscape.

MCE works to ensure the continued survival of Missouri's wildlife species through the protection and restoration of their habitat.

The pallid sturgeon is one of
twenty-four federally listed species in Missouri.

Cougars in Missouri

Cougars in Missouri – Here for Now, But Future Uncertain.

Until recently, the last documented report of a wild mountain lion in Missouri was an animal killed in 1927 in the state's southeastern "bootheel" region. After more than one-thousand reported sightings – seven of which have been confirmed – it is now no longer disputed that at least a small population of mountain lions once again roams the state.

The confirmed sightings include some caught on video, a road kill and some verified through tracks and other evidence. They cover a wide range geographically, from northeastern Missouri, to suburban Kansas City, to the heart of the remote Ozark region. While only a few years ago state biologists considered cougar sightings akin to UFO reports, they now appear more open minded about the presence of big cats in our state. It is simply too hard to ignore the mounting evidence.

In 1994, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service prosecuted a case involving photographic evidence that 'coon hunters in the Ozarks had killed a mountain lion, and even obtained confessions from the men who shot it. This was the first of the string of confirmed reports. Over the next eight years, six more confirmed sightings occurred, including a road kill last fall just north of Kansas City. According to state biologists, only one of these cats showed clear evidence of being an escaped pet.

The 100-pound cougar killed last October on a suburban Kansas City freeway was found to have fed on deer and raccoon, according to microscopic tests of hair found in its digestive tract. DNA tests performed at Central Michigan University showed the cougar was a North American type, further indicating that it probably was not an escapee. "I think it was living on its own for awhile, if not totally wild,'' said Dave Hamilton, a biologist with the Missouri Department of Conservation. Hamilton speculates that the cat could have wandered south along the Missouri River from the population in South Dakota's Black Hills.

Photo by Larry Moats, USFWS

Cougar Cub
Photo by Gerald and Buff Corsi
©California Academy of Sciences

It is unknown just why cougar sightings are becoming more common in Missouri and states further east. Wildlife biologists note that the large prey population – including white tail deer – could have an impact on the number of big cats, but no one knows for sure. There seems little doubt, however, that mountain lions are expanding eastward. The closest stable populations to Missouri are found in Texas, Colorado and South Dakota.

For its part, the Missouri Department of Conservation now seems ready to acknowledge that the big cats, from whatever source, do inhabit our state. The Department has formed a mountain lion task force to address sightings and livestock depredation issues. In addition, mountain lions remain classified as "endangered" under Missouri law, meaning they are protected unless they are pursuing or attacking humans, livestock or domestic animals. In those instances they may be killed, but must be reported immediately to a conservation agent and turned over within 24 hours.

The future for the mountain lion in Missouri looks bright if the state's residents can be convinced that the species is a positive addition to the already abundant wildlife. Although humans continue to encroach further into rural parts of the state, the large population of white-tail deer and substantial public landholdings may be enough to sustain a population of the big cats.

By Edward J. Heisel, 2003.

Our Thong Tree

Our Thong Tree
Trail Tree near Branson MO

Thong Trees

Typical Trees: The typical trail tree is a white oak with an abrupt bend several feet from its base. The main trunk then extends horizontally for several feet terminating with a rounded end that usually has a small mouth. One or more main branches grows vertically from this horizontal segment of the trunk, each becoming a new supporting member for the upper branches of the tree. The horizontal portion of the trunk often slopes downward [either by design or perhaps from the weight of the vertical limbs over time]. The majority of the trees have this shape, and stand out clearly from the other trees in the woods. On the Sassafras Mountain ridge, one can often see from one trail tree to the next tree in the chain.

Atypical trees: Along the path of these more typical trees, there are some other trees that stand out in the forest, but have other [similar] shapes. The trees on the left below look like the typical trees that have been reformed by climate and time. Others, like those on the right, are atypical, but share qualities that suggest they are also "shaped" by human intelligence, though their inclusion is more by proximity than anything else. While it's tempting to guess their meaning [...pointing towards water, ...a branch in the trail], such thoughts remain in the realm of speculation at this point.

Are they pointing? Certainly, walking through the woods, they seem to be pointing out a route. On the left, we've plotted them with extensions on the classic trees that have a clear directional alignment. There are a lot of them that do line up with the path along the mountain ridge, but plenty of others that don't. Once they're all photographed, we intend to plot them by morphology along with nearby water sources and known Indian settlements to try to get at the question of whether they're "pointers" or simply "markers."

As you'll see in the references, these unique trees are found throughout the United States, and are generally interpreted to be trail markers from our American Indian past. But, so far, we've mostly found speculative and anectdotal reports without much scientific study. We hope that we can provide a central registry for these trees and develop a community of interested parties who can respond to the questions these trees ask with a definite answer.

Visit the Mountain Stewards website to see 100's of these trees!